More urban sketching goodness around Denver

I haven't done as much sketching outside in the past month as I would have liked, even though the weather has been fantastic, but I did manage a few doodles here and there.  I humbly submit them here. though if you follow me on Flickr they are old news.  But I present them anyway out of a sense of duty.

This first one was done from near the same spot as my other sketch of the Brown Palace Hotel, this time looking west down 17th behind it.  It's unfinished I suppose, but I like it.
tremont and 17th

This one was done in Castle Rock, a southern suburb of Denver.  Linda was there for a book signing at Stash, a very cool yarn shop.  While she signed I sketched.
3rd and Willcox

A rare non-architectural sketch, in Cheesman Park in Denver.  I think our Grand Canyon trip may be having some effect on me.
cheesman park

Bagged another great old building in Denver, the old Chamber of Commerce building, now residential.
old chamber of commerce


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